Autonome Forstmaschine

Harveri ist eine Holzerntemaschine, die Bäume fällen, entasten, ablängen und diese am Wegesrand ablegen kann. Der Harvester ist mit drei xiC Kameras von Ximea ausgestattet, die Bilder an den Bediener übertragen.

In ihrem neuesten Projekt Harveri, einem kleinen Harvester, der für Durchforstungsarbeiten und zur Vollholzernte eingesetzt werden soll, hat die ETH Zürich ihr Heap-System (Hydraulikbagger für autonome Zwecke) erfolgreich weiterentwickelt. Für die Bildgebung werden USB3-Kameras von Ximea eingesetzt.

Image Sensor Roadmap

This article introduces the direction Sony Semiconductor Solutions is considering for the evolution of image sensors for applications in the industrial sector and also gives case examples from the application perspective.

604 Megapixel

Image 1 | The 604 MP resolution area scan camera of Hikrobot has a full resolution up to 28416×21280 Pixel and a maximum framerate of 1.5fps.

With the increasing popularity of high resolution displays, the requirement for ultra-high resolution camera increases rapidly in Flat Panel Display (FPD) industry. The 604 MP resolution area scan camera of Hikrobot was developed.

Stiching & Trashing

Image 1 | Because data rates exceed the capacities of a single CXP frame grabber, the Phantom S990 is equipped with 16 outputs and requires four CXP grabbers to perform at its full throughput potential.

The Cyton-CXP4 CoaXPress frame grabber of Bitflow has been verified to be compatible with the Vision Research Phantom S990 camera. The camera delivers direct data transfer speeds of 9Gpx/sec (70Gbps), streaming a maximum of 937fps at 4,096×2,304 (8bit), or up to 680,000fps at lower resolution settings.

Image Sensor Roadmap

Image 1 | Three axes have been defined as the directions of evolution of CMOS image sensors.

This article introduces the direction Sony Semiconductor Solutions is considering for the evolution of image sensors for applications in the industrial sector and also gives case examples from the application perspective.