Leicht gemacht

Die Software Aurora lässt sich mit dem bestehenden Bildverarbeitungs- und Fixed Industrial Scanner-Portfolio von Zebra Technologies kombinieren, um die Einrichtung und Konfiguration von Track&Trace- sowie Inspektionslösungen zu erleichtern.

Speed Up Qualification

JupyterLab comes preinstalled with its own virtual Python environment and can be used without any further configuration. Advanced users have the option of using their own custom virtual environments.

Lucid Vision Labs recently integrated JupyterLab in its ArenaView software viewer. JupyterLab comes preinstalled with its own virtual Python environment and can be used without any further configuration to test and validate a camera’s features and performance.

Speed Up Qualification

Image 1 | JupyterLab comes preinstalled with its own virtual Python environment and can be used without any further configuration. Advanced users have the option of using their own custom virtual environments.

Lucid Vision Labs recently integrated JupyterLab in its ArenaView software viewer. JupyterLab comes preinstalled with its own virtual Python environment and can be used without any further configuration to test and validate a camera’s features and performance.

Image Acquisition Tools

Image 1 | eGrabber Studio is the evaluation and demonstration application of eGrabber. It allows testing image acquisition, checking, and configuring the parameters of the cameras and frame grabbers and recording the acquired video onto the hard disk.

For a machine vision application developer, choosing the right camera interface may sometimes be a difficult decision. The eGrabber Image Acquisition software of Euresys is a set of image acquisition drivers, libraries, and tools compatible with GigE Vision, CoaXPress and Camera Link cameras.

Tools for ARM CPUs

All 18 libraries of Open eVision are now compatible with ARM CPUs. Beside ARM-based smart cameras, Open eVision 22.04 has also been validated on Raspberry Pi and Nvidia Jetson boards.

The latest version of the Euresys Open eVision image analysis libraries is now compatible with ARM CPUs. This opens up a range of new possibilities for system integrators.

Industrie-PC für den Schaltschrank

Der Schaltschrank-Industrie-PC C6675 eignet sich für den Einbau einer GPU-Accelerator-Karte und damit für besonders rechenintensive Anwendungen.

Der Schaltschrank-IPC C6675 mit ATX-Motherboard sowie dem Gehäuse und Netzteil des Industrie-Servers C6670 ermöglicht jetzt auch den Einsatz großer, leistungsstarker Grafikkarten für besonders anspruchsvolle Machine-Learning- und Vision-Applikationen.