3D Opens up new Areas of Application

@MZ_Grundschrift:3D image processing is definitely on the rise and we can see two major trends here: firstly, applications are opening up in new areas all the time and secondly, the performance of 3D vision sensors is increasing. Ultimately, these two trends will lead to both wider adoption and cost changes that will make 3D vision sensors attractive for an increasing number of applications. Reducing highly complex technology to its essentials, this is our conception of „technology for everyone“. As the technology of 3D vision sensors develops, resolution plays an important role and with time-of-flight sensors, VGA resolution is currently possible. In the near future, sensor capabilities will also be enhanced by advances in the lighting required for distance measurement. Adding to this, AI is being used directly in the sensors or at the system level, contributing to better sensing results and easier processing. At the same time, continuous improvements in usability mean that users do not need to be proven experts in image processing to be able to use 3D vision sensors. Our O3R platform, to which not only 3D cameras but also other sensors can be connected, is an important basis for technological progress. It greatly expands the range of applications through sensor data fusion. All these developments continue to open up new areas of application. In intralogistics, autonomous means of transport are increasingly becoming the standard. Obstacle detection and navigation, automated pallet handling and depalletising are ideal applications for 3D image processing. In outdoor logistics, with its high demands on system robustness, there are already applications where object detection can be combined with checking whether containers are locked properly. @MZ_Grundschrift:Hall 10 | Booth D30

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