From CMOS to ToF

Imaging solutions are now ubiquitous in factories and warehouses, from quality inspection to parcel tracking through AGVs. This multiplication of vision-based solutions comes with a multiplication of use cases. While some require pure image capture for barcode decoding or good inspection, some others require 3D information for object detection, volume measurement or complex environment mapping. This diversity calls for a diversity of imaging solutions to best address each use case requirements. Leveraging decades of expertise in imaging, STMicroelectronics has developed a broad portfolio of solutions from highest performance to tiny-lower sensors to best suit any of these requirements. These solutions all rely on state-of-the-art pixel technologies manufactured at ST fab in France, enabling the company to continuously fill players worldwide with unique devices and long-term commitment.

ST’s imaging adventure started with FlightSense technology, for Time-of-Flight applications with tiny low-power modules capable of ranging distances from a few millimeters to several meters. The company continues to expand its offer with high-resolution 3D solutions including an iToF sensor providing high resolution, high depth resolution over wide FoV. The portfolio is now complete with the release of BrightSense: a wide range of image sensors combining compactness, high sensitivity, and sharpness with smart on-chip features. STMicroelectronics has built tools and partnerships to ensure smooth and easy integration with minimum effort. Both ST BrightSense and FlightSense families benefit from ST ecosystem support including cost-effective hardware kits, free drivers and software, open documentation and reference designs all available from its website.

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