Optimizing Integration

Image 1 | FlexProc enhances the capabilities of eCapturePro by allowing unlimited customization of image processing tasks through user-created plugins. FlexTrans revolutionizes how data is managed across systems, ensures zero-copy transfers and the maintenance of integrity and speed of data flow even in multi-camera systems.
Image 1 | FlexProc enhances the capabilities of eCapturePro by allowing unlimited customization of image processing tasks through user-created plugins. FlexTrans revolutionizes how data is managed across systems, ensures zero-copy transfers and the maintenance of integrity and speed of data flow even in multi-camera systems.
Image 1 | FlexProc enhances the capabilities of eCapturePro by allowing unlimited customization of image processing tasks through user-created plugins. FlexTrans revolutionizes how data is managed across systems, 
ensures zero-copy transfers and the maintenance of integrity and speed of data flow even in multi-camera systems.
Image 1 | FlexProc enhances the capabilities of eCapturePro by allowing unlimited customization of image processing tasks through user-created plugins. FlexTrans revolutionizes how data is managed across systems, ensures zero-copy transfers and the maintenance of integrity and speed of data flow even in multi-camera systems. Bild: Emergent Vision Technologies

Setting up a high-end industrial camera system can be daunting. eCapturePro alleviates this complexity through a user-friendly, graphical interface, bolstered by a suite of plugins designed for configuration and customization. These core features provide a robust foundation for high-performance imaging:

  • High-Speed Image Acquisition: Facilitates ultra-high speed and resolution captures necessary for detailed analysis in dynamic environments.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simplifies the setup and management of complex imaging tasks, enables real-time camera configuration and image viewing without extensive technical training.
  • Camera Control: Delivers extensive manipulation over camera settings such as exposure time, frame rate, and triggering options, ensuring tailored adjustments for specific application demands.
  • Real-Time Data Display: Supports immediate image viewing and analysis, promoting quick decision-making and operational adjustments.

Building on these foundational features, eCapturePro’s plugin architecture allows customers to write their own plugins, enabling significant customization tailored to their specific application needs. Examples of plugins include:

  • Image Filtering: Designed specifically for polarized sensor cameras, this tool adjusts characteristics like noise reduction and contrast, and allows users to manipulate polarization attributes directly.
  • Data Compression: Facilitates on-the-fly compression of large data volumes, essential for efficient storage and transfer in scenarios with limited bandwidth.
  • Volumetric Capturing & Reconstruction: Ensures precise synchronization of multiple cameras, crucial for accurate 3D and 4D reconstruction, with real-time processing enabled by advanced memory access techniques.
  • Analytics: Integrates machine learning and AI algorithms directly into the workflow, providing capabilities like object identification and anomaly detection in real time.
Designed specifically for polarized sensor cameras, the tool allows users to manipulate polarization attributes directly.
Designed specifically for polarized sensor cameras, the tool allows users to manipulate polarization attributes directly.Bild: Emergent Vision Technologies

Streamlined Data Management

The new FlexProc plugin enhances the capabilities of eCapturePro by allowing unlimited customization of image processing tasks through user-created plugins. This approach not only offers flexibility but also empowers users to develop solutions that are precisely aligned with their operational requirements, whether they are running on Linux or Windows environments. Complementing FlexProc, FlexTrans revolutionizes how data is managed across systems. Its advanced data handling capabilities ensure efficient, zero-copy transfers and the maintenance of the integrity and speed of data flow even in multi-camera systems. This technology is indispensable for maintaining high performance in environments where data loss or delays can jeopardize operational integrity.

Bild: Emergent Vision Technologies

Food processing with 20 cameras in a single unit

In food processing, maintaining high standards of quality control is paramount. A leading food processing company has seamlessly integrated Emergent Vision’s technologies to enhance their operational efficiency. Utilizing FlexTrans and FlexProc technologies in conjunction with eCapturePro, the company has set up a sophisticated imaging system employing over 20 high-speed 8MP cameras within a single unit.

The core of this system’s success lies in its ability to handle and analyse vast amounts of image data in real time. The integration of FlexTrans technology ensures efficient, zero-copy data transfers across the network, which is critical when dealing with the high data throughput generated by multiple 8MP cameras. This capability is essential for minimizing latency and maximizing system responsiveness, enabling immediate processing and analysis of the visual data captured on the production line. FlexProc’s customizable processing capabilities allow the company to tailor specific image processing tasks across various system nodes. In this scenario, image data is processed and analysed using three powerful GPUs, which are optimized to run complex AI algorithms developed by the company. This setup provides the computational power needed to analyse detailed images for quality control, such as identifying defects or inconsistencies in food items at breakneck speeds. To further enhance their system, the company has utilized eCapturePro’s flexible plugin architecture to integrate their own AI-driven Python code directly into the workflow. This custom AI plugin automates the decision-making process by applying sophisticated machine learning models that have been trained to detect a wide range of quality issues from minor.

Bild: Emergent Vision Technologies


By harnessing the power of the eCapturePro, FlexProc, and FlexTrans technologies, alongside advanced 10GigE, 25GigE, and 100GigE capabilities, the food processing company exemplifies how sophisticated machine vision solutions can enhance operational efficiency and product quality. Given the limitations of RDMA and GPU Direct under Windows, Emergent Vision maintains flexibility in supporting their own advanced technologies and RDMA if it becomes part of the GigE Vision Standard, ensuring seamless integration and peak performance across all platforms.

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