Be careful!

Will there still be measurement technology without AI in five or ten years?

Mann (Hexagon): There will even be manual calipers that some people use to measure. So why not? AI is a tool that makes sense. In cases where we have already heard about limitations, you may need to check whether your challenge exists in order to complete your challenge. If there is an AI-based tool, use it. If there is another tool that also works, then do it with another tool. We’ve already done a lot of things over the last ten years, and now we have another tool in the chain that can be embedded into in some cases.

Wojek (Zeiss): AI will come in different flavours. It makes the workflow easier to handle and the results significantly better. What would be important in the future is to improve the explainability of AI systems so that you can get more introspection and better understand what the system actually does.

Schulenburg (VisiConsult): Let me make a controversial statement. I think that in five or ten years there won’t be a job that doesn’t use AI. I think that doctors will eventually be sued if they don’t use AI for diagnosis and in the NDT world, people will capture in standards that you have to apply AI to support users, to augment them, not to replace them – which is very important – and to support them. AI will be a tool that is here to stay in the world of inspection and metrology. Whether that will be in two, five or ten years is hard to say. But every company should better figure out how AI impacts their operations and what the opportunities are.

Hexagon, Johannes Mann, Director Global Industry Processes

VisiConsult, Lennart Schulenburg, General Manager

Zeiss Industrial Quality Solutions, Dr. Christian Wojek, Head of AI

Moderation: Dr.-Ing. Peter Ebert, inVISION

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