Snapshot HSI at Video Rates

Using snapshot hyperspectral imaging, the Living Optics camera extracts spectral data across the image at video rates to deliver real-time insights.
Using snapshot hyperspectral imaging, the Living Optics camera extracts spectral data across the image at video rates to deliver real-time insights.
Using snapshot hyperspectral imaging, the Living Optics camera extracts spectral data across the image at video rates to deliver real-time insights.
Using snapshot hyperspectral imaging, the Living Optics camera extracts spectral data across the image at video rates to deliver real-time insights.Image: Nick Rochowski Photography

How did you start your business and what do you want to achieve with your company?

The idea behind Living Optics came from our CEO & Co-founder Robin Wang’s PhD work. He needed a camera that could capture ultrafast laser-plasma interactions at trillions of frames per second. When existing cameras fell short, he started working on a design to build one. We discovered that the same underpinning technology could be applied to hyperspectral imaging, delivering real time video rate hyperspectral data by combining hardware and machine learning techniques. Imaging light in greater detail and revealing the invisible has many use cases across computer vision, motivating us to start a company.

To which question will your product be the answer?

Living Optics‘ snapshot video rate hyperspectral imaging camera enables computer vision developers and researchers to see more than meets the eye, extracting spectral information beyond what is available from a standard RGB sensor. This spectral information offers invaluable insights relevant to various use cases, such as monitoring crop health and food ripeness, automating the sorting of plastics, sensing at range and identifying camouflaged objects, assessing blood and tissue health, and much more. With its ability to capture detailed spectral imaging at video rate, Living Optics‘ technology provides invaluable insights in real-time.

What makes your company unique?

Our technology aims to democratise hyperspectral imaging, making it affordable, portable, and accessible to any user, regardless of industry. Using snapshot hyperspectral imaging, the Living Optics camera extracts spectral data across the image at video rates to deliver real-time insights. Plus, our camera can be integrated with other off-the-shelf devices or algorithms via our SDK, empowering developers to develop their own hyperspectral-powered solutions.

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