Traditional manual timber stack measurement is a slow, manual, labor-intensive process, plagued by inaccuracy and safety risks for workers in harsh weather. Dralle A/S, a leader in forestry digital technology, faced critical limitations with their legacy timber stack measurement system. But their initial system, an x86 platform, couldn’t keep pace with modern AI demands, therefore the company partnered with Aetina.
Rubrik: Systeme & Lösungen
Keep off the Pitch!
Agrowings ambitious vision is to revolutionize the agricultural
industry by enabling definite aerial detection and identification of pests and diseases in open field crops through cutting-edge multispectral AI analysis.
Hyperspectral X-ray
Xnext´s XSpectra is the first hyperspectral inspection system in the food industry based on photon counting technique, capable of performing real-time chemical and physical analysis of the product to identify foreign bodies. It performs analysis in milliseconds, exploiting up to 1024 energy levels of X-rays while competitors use a maximum of two.
Be Careful!
One of the mega trends currently is AI. In a panel discussion at the inVISION Day Metrology it was intended to address the question to what extent and where AI is already being used in metrology and what changes could result from the use of AI in metrology in the future. To discuss these topics, experts from Hexagon, VisiConsult and Zeiss were invited.
Single Power Dot
With the Single Photon Active Event Sensor, VoxelSensors introduces a new type of perception sensor that enables a 3D perception system based on laser beam triangulation. The key system benefits are that it enables a new and unmatched method for an energy efficient, low latency, scalable, and robust comprehension of the world.
Bahn frei
Als Teil der zum 1.1.2024 gegründeten DB InfraGo ist die DB Netz für das knapp 33.300 Kilometer lange Streckennetz der Deutschen Bahn verantwortlich – und ist damit Europas größter Schieneninfrastrukturanbieter. Für die vorausschauende und zustandsorientierte Instandhaltung ihres großen Netzes nutzt die Deutsche Bahn seit 40 Jahren Thermografie – mit Wärmebildkameras von Teledyne Flir.
Lichtfeld im Test
HD Vision Systems und RabbitAI sind beide Spezialisten für die Verarbeitung von Lichtfeldbildern. Beide Firmen haben anhand eines Test untersucht, wo die Vorteile ihrer Systeme liegen.
Single Power Dot
With the Single Photon Active Event Sensor, VoxelSensors introduces a new type of perception sensor that enables a 3D perception system based on laser beam triangulation. The key system benefits are that it enables a new and unmatched method for an energy efficient, low latency, scalable, and robust comprehension of the world.
Hyperspectral X-ray
Xnext´s XSpectra is the first hyperspectral inspection system in the food industry based on photon counting technique, capable of performing real-time chemical and physical analysis of the product to identify foreign bodies. It performs analysis in milliseconds, exploiting up to 1024 energy levels of X-rays while competitors use a maximum of two.
Be careful!
One of the mega trends currently is AI. In a panel discussion at the inVISION Day Metrology it was intended to address the question to what extent and where AI is already being used in metrology and what changes could result from the use of AI in metrology in the future. To discuss these topics, experts from Hexagon, VisiConsult and Zeiss were invited.